St Jude’s Treasurer Mr John Wenzel.
St Jude’s is very proud of the services which it provides both to our parishioners by way of regular services and pastoral care and to the wider community. It would, however, not be possible for us to continue our work without financial contribution from our parishioners.
In order to assist with annual financial budgeting, we ask that, in September of each year, parishioners consider how much they can give and advise our office staff by completing a simple Affirmation of Giving form. Please contact us if you would like one.Information contained on this form is kept strictly confidential and only sighted by our office secretary. In past years forms have been distributed during church services but, given the advice received re COVID 19 protection, this year forms will be distributed electronically during the second week of September with a request to return them by end of the month. If you do not receive a form, we ask that you contact the Parish Office.
Regular giving to the church can be made by:
1. Weekly, fortnightly or monthly electronic transfers into our church bank account.
Bank account details are:
- Bank SA
- BSB 105-042.
- Account Number 058 287 440.
- Account Name: Church of St Jude’s Brighton SA
We have found this to be the easiest and safest means of collection.
2. Through numbered envelopes which can be ordered through church office and returned weekly with your contribution by cash or cheque.
3. By cash or cheque into our collection box at church services.
4. ‘Tap and go’ card donations via the machine in church or at our outreach activities.
We are also pleased to receive one off donations toward any of our community projects such as our Community Pantry. These can also be made by EFT (please include name and details of specific project) or cash or cheque given trough the Parish Office.