St Jude’s Mother’s Union is branch of Mothers’ Union Australia, a mission agency of the Anglican Church of Australia and part of the worldwide Mothers’ Union with links to 83 countries and over four million members who share one heartfelt vision. Our vision is to bring about a world where God’s love is shown through prayer and loving, respectful and flourishing relationships especially those concerned with all that strengthens and preserves marriage and Christian family life.

St Jude’s Branch of Mothers’ Union meets on the last Thursday of the month from February to November. The meetings begin with a Chapel service at 10:00 a.m. followed by a short business meeting in Fathers’ Hall. Each month guest speakers are invited to talk on a wide variety of topics which generate many questions. The speakers are invited to join the group for lunch. The much anticipated meetings, and excursions have become informative and entertaining social occasions where members get to know, understand and appreciate each other. The result has been the development of a spirit of love and support one for the other manifesting itself with members phoning, writing to, visiting and offering prayers whenever someone is in need of support.
As a global movement Mothers’ Union supports local churches with the prayers and activities of its branch members and also local communities through social outreach projects. It is an international campaigning charity particularly concerned with the plight of women in the world. Its projects include literacy and development, parenting, micro finance and campaigning to combat violence against women and the trafficking of women. Internationally it speaks out on issues of gender equality through its representative status at the United Nations.
You are warmly invited to contact Pam Binks (President) or Julie Gameau (Secretary) through St Jude’s office for more information.