St Jude’s M.A.P.

Mission Action Plan projects from 2019 onward
Our path to M.A.P.
St Jude’s began praying for our mission, asked our parishioners for their views, undertook a range of community consultations with the key stakeholders outside the parish, reviewed the data we had, and worked for months to get a sense of what God might be asking of us in the 2020’s. We found that there were several areas that were inviting us to grow as a parish, and some areas that the community looks to us to offer more consciously. After all that we were able to discern our mission vision for this season:
St Jude’s seeks to provide a generous and authentic welcome to all,
to encourage children and young people to grow in faith,
and to sustain and renew the environment.
- A generous and authentic welcome to all: revamping our welcoming procedures, undertaking welcoming liturgy, Welcome Ministry priority, starting our judgement-free Community Pantry, significant rejuvenation of the memorial garden, creating welcoming History Festival experiences for the public, updating A/V equipment to provide better access to worship for more people, rejuvenating our welcoming foyer space, creating St Jude’s Online to connect those who cannot be at worship, launching a new Community Meal to provide a nutritious lunch to those in need and those who are isolated, and a new website!
- to encourage children and young people to grow in faith: regular reception of first communion classes, confirmation classes, providing for the basic needs of children in hardship, Young Adult’s Group (aka YAGS), a new Shared Worship (first Sunday of the month 9.30am service), playgroup JUNIOR JUDE’S, selling pews to make the space more flexible for ministry priorities, updating floor and kitchen facilities in the church supporting children’s ministry, new annual Christmas Eve Carols & nativity service, and free HUGE Christmas lunch.
- and to sustain and renew the environment: commitment to responsible waste management on our site, council supported waste management talks, safe removal of asbestos flooring and reflooring, eco-theology study, eco-Sunday worship, a large scale recycling of deposit-attracting containers, to keep Brighton beautiful and to support new mission, supporting BPS with their Garden club, reducing the parish printing waste by moving as much online as possible. St Jude’s diverts tonnes of food waste from landfill ever year through out six free ministries listed here:

St Jude’s Mission Action Plan is still evolving.
The parish is devoting our energy and resources into some exciting and life-affirming projects in these areas and we would love you to be part of it all. If you would like more information on our MAP or want to get involved, please speak to a member of our Parish Council, a Warden or Priest.
Please keep praying for St Jude’s and the community we serve
Each stage of the MAP process has been rooted in prayer. I warmly encourage you to continue praying that St Jude’s will be hungry to take up Jesus’ invitation to follow him in our next mission season.
Please find below the prayer Archbishop +Geoff Smith has invited us to pray as we open ourselves to mission growth, not simply numerically but also as heralds of God’s vision for all creation, as evangelists and as those working to bless our community.
Prayer for growth
Living God, we thank you for your vision for the whole creation
and that you call us to share in your mission.
We pray that you grow your church:
Bring more people to faith in Jesus
Deepen our trust in you and knowledge of you
Help us to serve and bless our community
And strengthen us to be generous with the money and resources you give us.
May we grow as disciples of Jesus and make disciples of others
for the blessing of the world you love.
In Jesus name we pray. Amen.