To learn more about the homelessness support services available in our area/ the City of Holdfast Bay, please click here.

No questions asked. Open 24/7.
All donors and recipients welcome.
What is it?
St Jude’s Community Pantry aims to offer emergency food and toiletry supplies for anyone in need, without making any demands on the recipient. Please do not ask the parish office for goods. Pantry will be stocked as possible by the community and church- this is not a walk in service. Homelessness and significant disadvantage are on the rise, even in our picturesque seaside suburbs, and we want to help meet basic human needs for children, men and women. Costs to maintain the infrastructure and promotion are met by our 10-cent deposit attracting container-collection located next to the pantry. The bright yellow Community Pantry is located on the side of Grundy Hall, located at 444 Brighton Road Brighton SA.
Who stocks the community pantry?
I do and you do! The family pantry is stocked by everyday people who want to meet human need and show the worth of every person. It is stocked every day of the week by members of the church, local residents and organisations who see the need and want to help. It is owned by the community.
What happens if the help offered is abused?
If somebody were to take food they did not need, or even vandalize the pantry that would be sad. However, that is not a reason to give up helping those who do need assistance. We can rebuild a pantry. As a community we can restock supplies. We do not focus on the negatives when so much positive is there to be gained, and so many people are in genuine need.
Promotion. How will people hear about it?
The project started after the launch by Bishop Denise on February 9th 2020.
We have put up a huge banner. We have promoted it at our services. We do letter box drops. We are putting up posters. We approaching local traders. We are inviting our friends, and key groups in the community (e.g. the community art class on site, the The Players, and Good-start Early learning) to help us. We will promote through our networks. Good news travels fast!
What can we do?
Anyone is invited to bring items for the community pantry. If you do not have food to share perhaps support the project by bringing your cans and bottles to recycle.
You may like to pop an item or three in you next shopping trolley and bring them down to 444 Brighton Rd:
- Toiletries: soap, shampoo & conditioner, children’s toiletries, toothbrushes & toothpaste, & sanitary items.
- Children’s lunch snacks: pots of fruit/ small ring pull cans of fruit, nut-free muesli bars, multi packs of crackers etc.
- Meals: ring-pull canned fruit & vegetables, ring-pull canned meals, 2-minute noodles, pasta & sauce.
- Breakfast: breakfast cereal & UHT milk. __________________________________________________________________
No questions asked. Open 24/7. All donors and recipients welcome.
Please pray with us, for this project
Lord of all justice and hope, help us to bless St Jude’s local community with gifts from your abundant goodness. Help us to attend to the basic needs of all people, regardless of their circumstances. Help us to spread your love through word and deed. And help us to grow more and more like you, through Jesus Christ, the light of the world. Amen