When you are ready to take the next steps to arrange your baptism, or the baptism of your child, please come to worship and speak to the Priest. We will then make time for an relaxed interview. Some basic information around the baptism of a child is included below for your interest, and you are welcome to ask more questions as you make plans.
Preparing for the Baptism

- Come to worship and meet the Priest.
- Undertake a baptismal interview with the Priest.
- Families are asked to attend at least three worship services before the baptism.
- Choose godparents to support your child.
Choosing Godparents
- Godparents are to be baptised members of a Church.
- Godparents are ideally actively worshiping members of a Church.
- It is usual for parents to choose between two and four godparents.
- Godparents can be relatives.
God Parents’ Responsibilities
- To regularly pray for the child.
- To, with the parents, ensure that the child is brought up in the Christian faith as a member of the Anglican Church.
- To ensure that the child is shown how to pray and encouraged to pray regularly.
- To ensure that when the child is older they are prepared for confirmation in the church.
Baptism of Parents
- At least one parent is required to be baptised. Where only one or neither of the parents of a child have been baptised, please notify the Priest.
- It is common for parents to be baptised at the same time as their child.
Ornamental Details
- If you do not bring your own candle the Church will be happy to provide a candle for your child.
- It is customary to dress children in something special for their baptism. It does not have to be an elaborate Christening gown. White or cream is traditional but certainly not compulsory.
The Baptism Day
- This is a big event in your child’s life and the more people to share in their big day the better. You are welcome to invite friends and family.
- Please ensure that the parents, child and godparents are at the Church at least 15 minutes before the service so that you have time to settle in and meet the Priest again.
There is no fee for Holy Baptism

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